Avoiding Carbon Monoxide

Pressure washers, water pumps and portable generators can certainly make life easier, but ensuring their safe operation is important. CO is dangerous, and following the guidelines is the only way to ensure your safety. CO exposure commonly occurs when an engine-powered product is used indoors or too close to the home. Some homeowners believe that simply opening a window or door while operating their unit inside will offset any health threat from CO. Unfortunately, these measures are not enough in protecting the home from carbon monoxide. Generators, pressure washers and water pumps MUST only be used outdoors. Installing CO detectors in your home can help protect you. Water pumps, pressure washers and generators should be placed at least 20 feet from the home during use, and there should be plenty of air space around the unit at all times. Be sure to evacuate your home and call 911 if you or your family members experience any of the following symptoms.

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