Radiator Flush Service

As coolant ages PH levels change. Acidity levels increase causing pitting and corrosion to the freeze plug, coolant sensor and water jackets. Such damage presents coolant loss, false readings and fault shutdowns. Your generator may not be available during its time of need. If your generator is over two years old a radiator flush should be performed.

Coolant loss will occur if the freeze plug integrity is lost. Pictured is a pitted and leaking freeze plug compared to a new one.

Coolant loss will occur if the freeze plug integrity is lost. Pictured is a pitted and leaking freeze plug compared to a new one.

False readings and unnecessary generator fault errors will occur when coolant sensors are damaged. A corroded coolant sensor is shown with a new one.

False readings and unnecessary generator fault errors will occur when coolant sensors are damaged. A corroded coolant sensor is shown with a new one.

Your comfort, security and peace of mind are important to us. Protect your investment by getting a radiator flush performed by NNG. We perform a thorough detergent and water flush of the cooling and engine system so your generator operates properly at peak performance. Contact us today to schedule your radiator flush and coolant replacement.